Translation of children's education books into foreign languages

Project scope
Communications Copy writingSkills
foreign language social sciencesThe Antartic Institute of Canada owns children's books focused on social science education which are published. We would like to expand our reach to other children in other countries by having the contents of our books translated into foreign languages. We are open to the discretion and availability of the foreign languages available.
We will send the books to the students virtually, PDF documents.
They will get technical support through the duration of the project.
Students will receive credit for translation, however no copyright.
About the company
We are a student led research and writing charity we are headed by a member of the one see of Canada and a fellow of the royal society of canada. Austin amardon. He is willing and to support participants after they graduate from this internship with letters and references. We publish and design student led books and articles and have over last 16 years had over 300 books coauthored designed and published by student led groups. Some have been recognized bu authorities in the field. We are student oriented and focused.