Marketing Internship (Remote)

Project scope
Communications Market research Sales strategy Marketing strategySkills
target market press releases sales prospecting marketing market research market penetration market segmentation pricing strategies focus group surveysExempler is seeking a maximum of three marketing interns focused on the following three areas:
Market Research: Intern to investigate Exempler's competitive landscape; perform market segmentation to identify the ideal target market for Exempler's monitoring-and-testing hub, TestSecretary (TS); conduct customer surveys or focus groups to gain insights into the perceptions and behaviors of TS's target customers; develop a pricing strategy; identify expansion opportunities; identify key messaging for TS.
Public Relations: Intern to develop and implement a PR strategy; create collateral, including press releases, user testimonials, case studies, and customer stories.
Prospecting Strategy: Intern to evaluate TS's current customer base and make recommendations for further market penetration; assess TS' current outreach process and develop and implement targeted prospecting; review your prospect messaging, make improvement recommendations, and create new outreach content.
Internship briefing at outset of project, check-ins via Zoom twice monthly, email communications as needed.
About the company
State of the art testing and monitoring across the entire devops pipeline. Major sectors include ecommerce, telecom and IoT. Our key USP is a client-controlled continuous risk-benefit-quantification system.