Create the playbook of outbound sales

Project scope
Market research Sales strategy Marketing strategy EducationSkills
ingenuity pedagogy target market speech-language pathology lexicons child development marketing return on investment french language selling techniquesAbout Appligogiques*
*Pronounced "Appligojeek"!
At Appligogiques, we create games that help children learn to read, spell, and write. The acquisition of language is a universal development process, and it can be difficult for children either with our without development impediments. It's a worldwide problem that we tackle with passion and ingenuity!
Specifically, our gamified pedagogical tools are built upon the latest research in speech language pathology and aim to awaken and develop phonemic awareness and lexical orthography in children ages 6-10. We also offer a suite of online tools that support teachers, education specialists, and parents in the complex task of fostering child development in today's digital, delocalized world.
About this project
How we reach our market
Our products are used both at home by families and at school by teachers, speech language pathologists and remedial educators. Currently our marketing efforts are focused solely on institutional education professionals in the pre-K to elementary range, because these clients are the most receptive, bring the greatest return on investment, and have the highest lifetime value. However, reaching them and their decision-making colleagues is tricky. A good old cold call or unsolicited email is often the only way in...
How we convince our clients they need our products
When we do have a foot in the door, the next step is to accompany them on a 3-4 weeks free trial of our products and platform. The quality and relevancy of our solutions speak on their own to our market, and this is often sufficient to seal the deal. The proven pertinence of our products ensures that once we're in, word of mouth and a little account nurturing give the gift that keeps on giving.
The challenge we're facing
This methodology may seem easy to grasp and execute, but it isn't. It requires knowledge of the products and how they alleviate our client's pains, practical understanding of the educational terminology, and answers to common objections. Furthermore, we've developed the approach for the French Canadian market, but lack the tools of the trade in regards to the US. Right now, the founder of the company is the only one with the qualifications to carry out successful sales, and therein lies the biggest challenge for us: this approach simply does not scale.
How you can help us
The goal of this project is to design, create and perfect the playbook of outbound sales for the US market. With this powerful grimoire in our possession, we will share its magic recipes to hire and train apprentices, thereby parallelizing our revenue generation streams.
Deliverables and expectations
The deliverable for this project is no less than The Playbook of Outbound Sales.
The key chapters in the book are:
- The personal and professional requirements of good apprentices
- An in depth study of the target market personas and how to address them
- An analysis of the decision making units in schools, school boards, and charter schools across the US
- The lexicon of terminology for selling to the pre-k / elementary market
- The "Open to Close" algorithm
- How to nurture, develop, and delight customers
- An addendum of the needed tools
- Short success stories
About the company
Chez Appligogiques, nous inventons des applications ludo-éducatives destinées aux enfants de 5 à 12 ans.
Nos applications peuvent être utilisées en classe ou à la maison.
Elles répondent aux besoins de tous les enfants, qu'ils éprouvent ou non des difficultés d'apprentissage.
Et elles sont conçues par des enseignantes, des orthophonistes et des orthopédagogues!