A tool called SQOOL (Structured Queries On Orthographic Lexicons)

Project scope
Data analysis EducationSkills
ingenuity pedagogy bilingual (french/english) french language english language speech-language pathology child development linguistics lexicons user experience (ux)About Appligogiques*
*Pronounced "Appligojeek"!
At Appligogiques, we create games that help children learn to read, spell, and write. The acquisition of language is a universal development process, and it can be difficult for children either with our without development impediments. It's a worldwide problem that we tackle with passion and ingenuity!
Specifically, our gamified pedagogical tools are built upon the latest research in speech language pathology and aim to awaken and develop phonemic awareness and lexical orthography in children ages 6-10. We also offer a suite of online tools that support teachers, education specialists, and parents in the complex task of fostering child development in today's digital, delocalized world.
About this project
We have developed the EQOL tool in French. It's a word database tool which enables its users to do structured parameter searches in order to build lists of words. The parameters are based on the phono-graphemic structure of the French language (whether a word is a verb, noun or adjective, singular or plural, gender, vowel/consonant consistency, etc.).
Our intention is to adapt the tool to English. We think the acronym SQOOL sounds cool (and totally describes what the tool actually is).
Although the French and English languages can be surprisingly similar, their structural differences demands more than a simple translation of the tool. It needs to be adapted to reflect how English is built, rather than a simple translation from the French version.
This is a multi facetted project which demands a multidisciplinary team of collaborators: students in linguistics, but also UX/UI and software development.
Deliverables and expectations
This project has two main deliverables:
- The list of search parameters for the English language
- A basic database of words, aimed at preschool and elementary grade children
About the company
Chez Appligogiques, nous inventons des applications ludo-éducatives destinées aux enfants de 5 à 12 ans.
Nos applications peuvent être utilisées en classe ou à la maison.
Elles répondent aux besoins de tous les enfants, qu'ils éprouvent ou non des difficultés d'apprentissage.
Et elles sont conçues par des enseignantes, des orthophonistes et des orthopédagogues!