CAPSTONE / MBA Consultancy B2C & Medical

Project scope
Market research Product or service launch Marketing strategySkills
gap analysis planning master of business administration (mba) business planning go-to-market strategy english language remote monitoring service design financial forecasting market shareThe Future Care UK is an SME based on London developing a paediatric remote monitoring precision instrument. We have a unique approach, ONE product/TWO markets, bridging the gap between consumer and medical. Trust/confidence in the consumer brand emanates from the medical accuracy of the product. BUT it is the B2C market that will drive growth and revenues. While the proof of concept is being developed in the UK, the overseas markets are where the main opportunities exist. We need GO TO MARKET objectivity and a business plan(s) to attract pre-series 'A' ($1m+) investment.
Future Care (FC) needs two separate business plans. One focusing on consumer (B2C) markets. The other business plan, focusing on the medical (B2M) market. We are interested to hear from universities across Riipen's English language speaking counties: Canada, USA, UK, Australia, to build on existing materials/research and work with FC's and our partners to demonstrate FC's potential to investors.
Each University will focus on B2C and/or B2M applied to the county they are operating in or as international focused courses undertaking a project focused on an overseas market.
We are also keen to hear from Universities interested in developing a 'go to market' business plan deploying our infant device across Asian, S. America’s and EU markets. The starting point being to provide a prioritised list of counties to maximise on the potential of these overseas markets.
We assume those working on a plan will build-on, challenge or review existing assumptions, materials, projections and apply these to the respective market / country nuances for B2C and/or B2M.
To date most of our research and financial projections have been focused on B2C UK, Canada, and USA. While CAGR is of interest we are guided by birth rate per country, not any in-depth understanding of the market, culture socio-economic potential etc...
In support of our business planning to date and assumptions, we have already done some financial business planning, SWOT and competitor position modelling, gap analysis, CAGR, TAM’s SAM’s. Linked to the business planning e are keen for the team to work with our CFO and develop a dynamic cashflow/P&L spread sheet that needs to be made more sensitive and easier to do ‘what if’ sensitivity analysis.
We have very strong support from international companies and experts in their fields as outlined in the resources section of this project outline.
Currently we are planning to undertake a crowdfunding campaign in Sept’21 to capture early B2C adopters, customer feedback, revenues, data on healthy infants. While we are building consumer market share, in parallel, we will continue to progress the development of the medical product which can take 3-4 years to get medical approval/compliance.
As a beachhead into the National Health Service (NHS) we are engaged with two UK based medical placements of our precision instrument infant device
1) Cardio-Respiratory/Bronchiolitis impacting 1:3 infants - Leicester Uni & Life Science Accelerator
2) An out-research initiative initiated by a UK's Forth Valley NHS Hospital Trust, Stirling Uni and a local doctors surgery focuses on a service design too deploy device into primary/community care to home.
Future Care is committed to supporting those that work on our projects. Individuals / teams working on a project will be given 1hr meet & greet appointment plus weekly 30min update sessions taking place thought the projects development.
During these sessions, all parties will discuss issues and identify any resources needed that FC could provide or additional means of support from its partners. We work with many large international companies which will as and when required, be a resource to students. Involvement with our partners and on completion of the project’s final presentation, students will have the additional opportunity to promote themselves for recruitment and career advancement objectives.
See Riipen feedback from those Universities and students we have collaborated with.
About the company
Future Care(FC) is an SME based in London, UK. Our R&D is focused on a bespoke, wearable, non-invasive, medical precision instrument for infants (0-24months), remotely monitoring vital signs and integrated stethoscope, linked to a predictive & preventative analytics platform, Reports and Alarms sent to end user consumer (B2C) and medical (B2M) APPS.
FC works closely with ARROW is a $30B international electronics company and their partners.